Real Places. Real Photos.

No overediting. No splicing. Just photographs with raw beauty you can see with the naked eye.

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The Story Behind It All

Do you remember the first time you caught a glimpse of a beautiful landscape, waterfall, or scene you wanted to imprint in your mind? I am talking about the perfect moment where it all lined up and you immediately knew it was something you wanted to remember for the rest of your life.

For me, that moment was in Yosemite National Park during the Spring of 2019. I was completely entranced by the raw beauty of the park during a very wet, lush season. In the wee hours of the morning, I stumbled across a reflection on a temporary pool of water of perhaps the most famous waterfall in the park.

This encounter sparked the inspiration for this project. My goal with photography is to capture the moment we encounter these scenes in their most natural state. The photography you see on my site is as natural as the scenes themselves. There's no crazy expensive equipment and I have no idea how to use Photoshop or similar programs beyond adding a title and my signature. Real Horizon Studios is about showing you the world you can explore and experience for yourself in the deep wilderness and urban jungles.